The first, second and fourth Primary education classes are studying one of the greatest Spanish artist called Agustín Ibarrola whose imagination and creativity has influenced us in the artistic works that we carry out about his life and his artworks.
Our next project is about one of the greatest Spanish artist with lots of creativity, is called Agustín Ibarrola, The children are going to study his biography and his artworks.And we are going to copy one of his best known artworks: "The Oma forest"
The six year old class of Primary Education has been working on a project about "Eric Carle" and his famous book the very hungry catterpillar.
The fourth grade class is studying the biography , the artworks and technique of a local artist called Rita Bretones.She visited us and it was a great experience for the kids, to meet a real artist.
The children interviewed her, Rita also taught them some artist tools,
All together made a tapestry inpired by the friendship between the children and Rita Bretones.
In Rita Bretones project. The children have the chance to meet a local artist and practise her art techniques with her.
In the following photos the children are painting one of Rita Bretones pictures...